Thursday, January 22, 2009

30th Anniversary of Rov v. Wade

30 years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to allow women to legally choose abortion. 49 million abortions later, we stand at a new crossroads on the issue of the sanctity of life.

Newly sworn in President Obama promises to sign an act that will reverse the previous administration's legislation to prohibit U.S. aid to international organizations that perform abortions or refer women to abortion clinics. This means your U.S. tax dollars will help fund international abortion referrals and potentially the actual abortions themselves.

On the flip side, there are now more pregnancy resource centers working to decrease the number of abortions and more abstinence programs than any other time in American history. Millions are helped each year through these and similar organizations.

Like many people, you probably care about the issue, but are unsure what you can do to help. I don't have all of the answers, but here are a few ways you can make a difference on behalf of the lives of the unborn:

1. Pray: Yes, prayer changes things. See James 5:16 for a great example of prayer's power. How often are you praying for the lives of the unborn?

2. Promote: By promote, I mean to speak up whenever possible for the rights of the unborn who cannot speak for themselves. You don't have to call people murderers or get violent about it. The idea is to create awareness and help keep people thinking about the issue and the lives of those involved. This can happen over coffee or on Capitol Hill. Start somewhere.

3. Participate: It's easier to complain than to act. Find a pregnancy resource center and volunteer to help out. Encourage pro-life politicians in your area with a note or email that thanks them for their efforts (Democrat and Republican). Write polite but firm communications to your local, state, and national politicians who do not stand for the sanctity of life. Personally champion the issue in your school, workplace, church, or community organization.

Psalm 82:3 stands as the purpose for our efforts in this area: "Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed." This applies not only to the poor and
oppressed in our world. It also applies to the unborn whose lives are in jepeorady due to current laws that allow legalized abortion.

Ultimately, it's not about the law; it's about lives that need rescued. Speak out. You may rescue a life today.

DILLON BURROUGHS is a writer on issues of faith and culture. He lives with his wife and three children in Tennessee. For more, visit

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