Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Generation Hex on radio and TV

Yesterday, I did an interview on Generation Hex on WDCX with Neil Boron in Buffalo, NY and Southern Toronto. Neil is awesome and his program is well well worth checking out. I also heard from my first callers on the topic from Canada, including questions for a married couple in which one spouse is Christian and the other is Wiccan and understanding an employee who is a devout witch.

Today I'm in Atlanta where I interviewed on Family Net TV and Sirius radio with some intense call-in's on Wicca. People chimed in from Ontario to Louisiana this morning with their questions about Wiccan symbols, how to discuss Christianity with Wiccans, and where the movement is most popular.

Later today, I share one live and two taped segments for WATC TV 57 in Atlanta on Generation Hex, What's the Big Deal about Other Religions?, and What's the Big Deal about Jesus?

I also received an email telling me Generation Hex cracked Amazon's Top 100 books last weekend in Religion and Spirituality. It's a little strange to see my book listed among Sylvia Brown, Chopra, and popular New Age writers, but that's the group of people we're trying to communicate with, so at least the book is connecting with it's target audience (Also, a big thanks to our first online review from

Finally, I'll continue the media tour tomorrow with an interview on the Debbie Chavez Show in the Seattle area tomorrow. Listen in online if you can at 3pm EST.

If you have your own questions about Wicca and witchcraft, send them my way at I look forward to hearing from you.


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